
2022 Annual GHG Emissions Report

2022 annual greenhouse gas report cover

As part of Ryan Hanley’s commitments under the Pledge to Net Zero we have completed our look back for 2022 and using the data collected have calculated the total carbon emissions across the business for the year. Our findings are set out in our 2022 Annual Report. In this first Annual Report, we have also set out our 2019 carbon emission baseline and the associated carbon reduction targets, calculated using the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) approach using the 1.5°C climate change scenario. In the Annual Report we also share our thoughts on how the reductions achieved to date have been realised and our plans for building on those reductions to achieve our targets of 46.2% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions and 50.4% reduction in Scope 3 emissions by 2030.